MAX-UP Application form

If you would like to join the Maxeler University Program (MAX-UP), please complete and submit the form below. As part of this process, please download, print, sign, scan and upload the MAX-UP Letter of Intent. This letter should be signed by the professor applying to join the program, or by the appropriate signatory at your institution.

You should normally receive a response from Maxeler within 1 week. If you’d like to enquire about the status of a MAX-UP application you have already submitted or have any other questions about the program, please contact

Please note: fields marked with * are required, others are optional.

Letter of Intent

To join the university program you must download and sign the MAX-UP Letter of Intent. Please scan the signed document and upload it here. If the letter of intent has been signed by someone other than the professor joining the program (e.g. by the head of department), please also confirm the signatory name and his/her role here.

Scanned letter*
(pdf, jpeg, gif or png)
Signatory name Signatory's role

Details of Professor (Principal Investigator, P.I.) joining MAX-UP

Please complete the details for the academic who is joining MAX-UP. This should normally be the head of the research group or lab, not necessarily the person who will be using Maxeler technology on a day-to-day basis. If you are completing this form on this person's behalf, please fill in your own contact details in the comments field below.

Name* Position*
Research group* Website*
Department* University*
E-mail address* Telephone*
Postal address*

Additional information

Optional email address of another researcher who will be involved in managing your MAX-UP membership or using Maxeler technology:

My main interest in Maxeler technology is for:
 Research Teaching

Does your university currently have access to FPGA vendor place & route tools?
 Xilinx ISE Altera Quartus Xilinx ISE and Altera Quartus Neither Not sure

Name of the person who gave you the link to this application form/introduced you to MAX-UP*:

Please enter any further comments below:

Submit application

To confirm you are a human, please type the characters in the following image into the text box below.
